Saturday 24 November 2018


1.What is Brainstorming?   1 mark
2.How the brainstorming session is carried out? Describe its advantages and disadvantages.   6 mark
3.What valuable function does brainstorming a product or product design serve?   8 mark
4.Describe the process of brainstorming and its advantages and disadvantages.       6.mark
5.Explain the conceptual framework of brainstorming.      5 Mark
6. Explain Brainstorming  in brief  2 mark
7.Brainstorming technique  10 mark
8. Role of brainstorming in design idea generation       3 mark
9.Explain Brainstorming  briefly 5 mark
10. Clearly explain ' Brainstorming' with respect to ideonomics. 5 mark                                                 

1Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.

In other words, brainstorming is a situation where a group of people meet to generate new ideas and solutions around a specific domain of interest by removing inhibitions. People are able to think more freely and they suggest many spontaneous new ideas as possible. All the ideas are noted down and are not criticized and after brainstorming session the ideas are evaluated. The term was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in the 1953 book Applied Imagination

Brain storming is an idea generating approach that is used to find problems, causes of problems , causes of variations, ways to prevent problems, solutions of problems or ways to implement these solutions. It can be viewed as a meeting  in which those in attendance are encouraged to think of as many ideas as possible.

Brainstorming defined as a method to practice a conference technique by which a group attempts to find different concepts for a specific need by gathering or collecting all the ideas spontaneously contributed by its member.

Application  of brainstorming 

  Brainstorming has many applications but its uses for product development and process management are listed below:

1. New product development obtaining ideas for new products and improving existing products.
2. Advertising ideas for advertising campaigns
3. Problem solving issues , root cause alternative solutions, impact analysis and evaluation.
4.Process management -finding ways of improving business and production processes.
5. Project management  identifying client objectives risks deliverable, work packages, resources, role and responsibilities, tasks and issues
6. Team building. Generates sharing and discussion of ideas while stimulating participants to think and create ideas
7. business planning - develop and improve the product idea

Brainstorming team members 

  1. Designer
  2. Engineers
  3. Non-engineers
  4. marketing experts
  5. Psychology experts
  6. etc 
Participants must be involved and achieve in the session. the topics of  Brainstorming session is given to the members before the sessions starts and the duration's given to sessions  is an hour or so because the energy needed developed for brainstorming is high as a  set of rules has been developed for Brainstorming  session. They are as follows :

Step 1. On a piece of paper, each person makes a list of his or her ideas.
Step 2. sitting in a circle to listen dominance by any individual,  each person takes a turn reading one Idea at a time starting at the top of his or her list
Step 3 as the ideas I read they are displayed so that everyone  can see them
Step 4 before participants gifts ideas that have been read by someone else proceeding to the next original idea of the list.

Step 5 when all of the list  have been read, the leader asks the participants in turn, if any new idea have occurred to them. It is very likely that upon seeing other people’s ideas, group members will think one more Ideas.

Step 6   The leader continues asking age persons in turn if there are any more ideas until the group runs out of the suggestions

Step 7  participants reflect of all of the ideas generated.  the new idea developed by step 5 are the main reason for  emphasizing that brainstorming is a group technique. Ideally,  brainstorming has a synergic effect group members generate more ideas of a group than they would be merely  by aggregating their individual lists
       Brainstorming can be viewed as a having two phases, the idea generation phase and Idea evaluation phase . steps of an evaluation phase  is brainstorming is to be as successful as possible, evaluation or criticism of any idea should not be allowed during the idea generation phase ( Step 1 to 5 ) set criticism could inhibit someone from suggesting an idea for fear that it may  sound dump. an idea that sounds Dump it first could end up, after careful thought, contributing to the solution.
          there is also the  possibility that dumb idea  main course a good idea to click in someone's else head.  for example an automobile manufacturer is supposed you have asked the company that supplied its paints  and coatings to help overcome problems of the automaker was having in getting the coating into small openings of car bodies.  to brainstorming teams for setup: one to investigating new coatings and another to look at new method of applying the coatings.  as the methods group was running out of ideas someone suggested ants. ants could run through the coatings and then into the small openings  within minutes someone else said, “not ends but amps!” this lead it to a a series of patents for electroplating. amount of true in this story is less  important than the. It makes.

techniques in used for brainstorming

creative techniques.  the ground rule for creative techniques are as follow:
1. do not attempt generating new ideas and get them at the same time  and let them be separated by time space and people if possible.
2.generate large quantity of possible solutions multiply the ideas produced first by inspiration by 5 or even 10
3. seek a broad spectrum attack approach
4.  watch for opportunities to combine for improve ideas as they are generated
5. consider all possible ideas given apparently impractical.  do not ridicule them . never eliminate any idea summarily.

Osborns’s brainstorming techniques : It is a problem solving technique based on simulations of each person's Mind by mind of another .  an average group consists of three to five persons who sit around a table and simultaneously produce ideas design to solve a specific problem
The rules to be followed  are:
1.  criticism is  ruled out
2. freewheeling is welcome
3. any number of Ideas are welcome and desirable
4. combination and improvement are sought .

Phillips 66 Buzz  session techniques.  this technique is useful in developing creative ideas  when the large audience situations first the audience is divided into a large number of group of 6 people each.  within each group, A Leader and recorder are appointed, they should be selected and briefed before the meeting if possible.

the problem to be tackled should be and don't should before the meeting gets started.  using the group brainstorming method, each group develops creative alternatives. After a period of time and the signal from the leader, each group stops producing ideas and being evaluated ideas and selected the best one solutions.

     the leader of each group is called upon to present the ideas produced,  to the rest of the audience. the multiplicity of good, diversified Idea make an excellent,  large group convincing and demonstration.

Crawford  slip writing  technique: This is another technique specially suited to large audience.  this technique is a form of individual brainstorming. this techniques provides  many ideas for a wide range of different problems in one session in a short period of time.

each person in a large audience is given a colored slip of paper on which he is asked to make a statement relating to the problem.  a different colored paper is used to each problem. the slips are connected to be evaluated later.

Advantage and Disadvantage of brainstorming. Advantage 1. It helps you come up with great ideas. 2.It fosters camaraderie 3.It promotes creativity. Disadvantage 1. It promotes fights and arguments. 2. It’s not always effective. 3. It’s not always the right choice for everybody.



Alfred Avina said...

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