Saturday 17 November 2018

Technological Properties of Metals.

Technological Properties of Metals.

The qualities which informs the technological  suitability of metal for various manufacturing processes are called Technological Properties. Following are important Technological Properties.

  1. Machinability
  2. Weldability
  3. Castability
  4. Hardenability
  5. Strain hardening

Machinability:The term machinability refers to the ease with which a metal can be cut (machined) permitting the removal of the material with a satisfactory finish at low cost. Machinability depends on chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties

Weldability: The easy with which welding(joining metal) of a give material can be done without producing any defect is called weldability. Also be defined as the capability of a metal to be welded under the fabrication conditions imposed satisfactorily in the intended surface. Weldability of the material depends on chemical composition, physical properties and the heat-treatment. 

Castability: Castability (Fluidity) is the ability of the molten metal to flow easily without premature solidification is a major factor in determining the proper filling of the mold cavity. other words Castability of metal refers to the ease with which it can be cast into different shapes and is concerned with the behavior of metal in its molten state.

Hardenability: The hardenability of a metal alloy is the depth to which a material is hardened after putting it through a heat treatment process. The unit of hardenability is length. It is an indication of how deep into the material a certain hardness can be achieved.

Strain hardening: The strengthening effect produced in metals by plastic deformation ( i.e cold working ) is called strain hardening or work hardening. strain hardening reduces corrosion resistance and raises the electrical conductivity.  This strengthening occurs because of dislocation movements and dislocation generation within the crystal structure of the material.

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