Friday 30 November 2018

DM group C

1.How jobbing foundry is different from captive foundary     1 mark   
  Captive foundry: These foundries are part of a manufacturing company which uses the casted products to meet the companies own production need.
Jobbing foundry: These are fully equipped foundry which does not have its own individual casting business, but undertake contractual casting for other companies. Mostly, production are taken up for small quantity only.

2.Define the term “Product Design Customization”.
    "Product design Customization" is current trend in industry  especially in eCommerce. companies Seller provide options for customer to suggest / select product according to their wish.  This is a new paradigm for product system development.  
3.What is perforating?
            Perforating, the process of punching holes in a given material, requires presses capable of generating a great enough penetrable force and tooling made specifically to withstand the pressure of repetitious blows yet versatile enough to produce a number of desired patterns

4.What do you understand by the terms “Grit” and “ Grade” of a grinding wheels?

               Grade( strenght of bonding): relative holding power of the bond which holds abrasive grains within a wheel-degree of "hardness" of strength is indicated softer grades in low alphabet and harder grades in high alphabet.The size of abrasive grain is indicated in terms of the mesh(screen size), coarser grains by low numbers and finre grains by high numbers coarse grits are in use for soft,ductile,stringy materials for fast stock removal rough grinding, large contact area ..

5.Define thermos compression bonding.
           Thermocompression bonding describes a wafer bonding technique and is also referred to as diffusion bonding, pressure joining, thermocompression welding or solid-state welding. Two metals, e.g. gold (Au)-gold (Au), are brought into atomic contact applying force and heat simultaneously. The diffusion requires atomic contact between the surfaces due to the atomic motion. The atoms migrate from one crystal lattice to the other one based on crystal lattice vibration. This atomic interaction sticks the interface together.  Metals with high diffusion rate can be make with like Cu,Gold,Aluminium

6.What is DCLASS system?
                DCLASS System: it is a decision-making and classification system.
It is a tree-structured system that generates codes for components, material, processes, machines, and tools.Each brach of the system represents a condition in which a code is formed at the junction of each branch.The complete code is obtained by taking multiple passes in the decision tree.

7.What is manufacturability?

Design for manufacturability (also sometimes known as design for manufacturing or DFM) is the general engineering practice of designing products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture. The concept exists in almost all engineering disciplines, but the implementation differs widely depending on the manufacturing technology. DFM describes the process of designing or engineering a product in order to facilitate the manufacturing process in order to reduce its manufacturing costs. DFM will allow potential problems to be fixed in the design phase which is the least expensive place to address them. Other factors may affect the manufacturability such as the type of raw material, the form of the raw material, dimensional tolerances, and secondary processing such as finishing.

8.What is Buffing?
buffing is a finishing processes for smoothing a workpiece's surface using an abrasive and a work wheel or a leather strop. Technically  buffing uses a loose abrasive applied to the work wheel. Buffing is less harsh process, which leads to a smoother, brighter finish

9.How punching is different from blanking?
Blanking is a process in which the punch operation removes a final product from a larger piece of sheet metal.
Punching is a material removal process in which the punch operation removes material from a final piece of sheet metal.

10.What is Brainstorming?
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.

11 Chill and chaplets 

chill is an object used to promote solidification in a specific portion of a metal casting mold. Normally the metal in the mold cools at a certain rate relative to thickness of the casting. When the geometry of the molding cavity prevents directional solidification from occurring naturally, a chill can be strategically placed to help promote it.

There are many cases in moulding in which a core is not adequately supported by its bearings in the sand of the mould, particularly if it has but one bearing or is not a straight core.
It is the practice in these cases to support the core by pieces of metal called chaplets, placed in the mould space. When metal is poured into the mould around the chaplets, they soften and become a part of the casting.

12. Models and prototype

Prototype is similar to a final structure, where the dimensions are scaled down so that very large machinery can be tested directly, with very low investments. But model is in exact dimensions, where the testing can be done but the cost is very high. Prototype is the initial working model of the final working machine.


1. Not necessarily functional (don't need to work). 
2. Can be to any scale (usually smaller but can also be of the original size or bigger). 
3. Used for Display or/and [Visual] Demonstration of product. 
4. May consist of only the exterior of the object/product it replicates. 
5.Relatively cheap to manufacture. 


1. Is fully functional, but not fault-proof. 
2. Is an actual version of the intended product. 
3. Used for performance evaluation and further improvement of product. 
4. Contains complete interior and exterior. 
5. Is relatively expensive to produce. 
6. Often used as a technology demonstrator

 13. Reliability 
In Enginerring Reliability ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified time. other words Reliability of a product is quality over a long run under a given specified conditions. Reliability improvement techniques are zero failure design derating etc...

14. Type of design checks  

15. Difference between oxidizing and neutral gas welding flames. 

There are three basic flame types: neutral (balanced), excess acetylene (carburizing), and excess oxygen (oxidizing) . A neutral flame is named neutral since in most cases will have no chemical effect on the metal being welded. A carburizing flame will produce iron carbide, causing a chemical change in steel and iron. For this reason a carburizing flame is not used on metals that absorb carbon.  An oxidizing flame is hotter than a neutral flame and is often used on copper and zinc.

16.Difference between shaping and planning..

 17. Open and closed die forging 

Open die forging process is also known as free forging. The piece of metal is deformed between multiple dies that do not enclose the metal entirely. The dies hammer and stamp the metal through a series of movements to alter its dimensions until the desired shape is achieved.

Closed die forging process is also referred to as impression forging. It utilizes pressure to compress the metal piece to fill an enclosed die impression. A medium frequency induction heating furnace is used to heat the metal to get the desired shapes..

18.Center-less grinding 

Centerless grinding is a machining process that uses abrasive cutting to remove material from a workpiece.Centerless grinding differs from centered grinding operations in that no spindle or fixture is used to locate and secure the workpiece.The workpiece is secured between two rotary grinding wheels, and the speed of their rotation relative to each other determines the rate at which material is removed from the workpiece.Centerless grinding is typically used in preference to other grinding processes for operations where many parts must be processed in a short time.

19. Three high and four high rolling mills  

Three High
It consists of a roll stand with three parallel rolls one above the other. Adjacent rolls rotates in opposite direction. So that the material may be passed between the top and the middle roll in one direction and the bottom and middle rolls in opposite one.

In three high rolling mills the work piece is rolled on both the forward and return passes. First of all the work piece passes through the bottom and middle rolls and the returning between the middle and the top rolls.
So that thickness is reduced at each pass. Mechanically operated lifted tables are used which move vertically or either side of the stand. So that the work piece fed automatically into the roll gap.

Since the rolls run in one direction only a much less powerful motor and transmission system is required. The rolls of a three high rolling mills may be either plain or grooved to produce plate or sections respectively.

Four high rolling mill:

It has a roll stand with four parallel rolls one above the other. The top and the bottom rolls rotate in opposite direction as do the two middle rolls. The two middle are smaller in size than the top and bottom rolls which are called backup  rolls for providing the necessary rigidity to the smaller rolls.
A four high rolling mill is used for the hot rolling of armor and other plates as well as cold rolling of plates, sheets and strips.

      CAPP is a linkage between the CAD and CAM module. It provides for the planning of the process to be used in producing a designed part. Process planning is concerned with determining the sequence of individual manufacturing operations needed to produce a given part or product.


21.Modular design 

           Modular design, or "modularity in design", is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids, that can be independently created and then used in different systems. A modular system can be characterized by functional partitioning into discrete scalable, reusable modules; rigorous use of well-defined modular interfaces; and making use of industry standards for interfaces.

22.Models and prototype. 

Prototype is similar to a final structure, where the dimensions are scaled down so that very large machinery can be tested directly, with very low investments. But model is in exact dimensions, where the testing can be done but the cost is very high. Prototype is the initial working model of the final working machine.

1. Not necessarily functional (don't need to work). 
2. Can be to any scale (usually smaller but can also be of the original size or bigger). 
3. Used for Display or/and [Visual] Demonstration of product. 
4. May consist of only the exterior of the object/product it replicates. 
5.Relatively cheap to manufacture. 
1. Is fully functional, but not fault-proof. 
2. Is an actual version of the intended product. 
3. Used for performance evaluation and further improvement of product. 
4. Contains complete interior and exterior. 
5. Is relatively expensive to produce. 
6. Often used as a technology demonstrator

23.Robust design 

Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 

to perfomr consistently as temperture and other condition change

24.Chill and chaplets. 

           A chill is an object used to promote solidification in a specific portion of a metal casting mold. Normally the metal in the mold cools at a certain rate relative to thickness of the casting. When the geometry of the molding cavity prevents directional solidification from occurring naturally, a chill can be strategically placed to help promote it.
           There are many cases in moulding in which a core is not adequately supported by its bearings in the sand of the mould, particularly if it has but one bearing or is not a straight core.It is the practice in these cases to support the core by pieces of metal called chaplets, placed in the mould space. When metal is poured into the mould around the chaplets, they soften and become a part of the casting.

25.Laser beam welding 

It is a fusion welding technique in which coalescence is produced by heating the work piece due to impingement of the concentrated beam of stimulated electrons coming from the laser source.In the LBW process, the laser beam is directed by flat optimal elements such as mirrors and then focused to a small spot ( for high power denstiy) at the work piece using either reflective elements or lenses. It is a non-contact process, requiring no pressure to be applied.Inert gas shielding is generally employed to prevent oxidation of the molten puddle and filler metals may be occasionally used.

26.Gates and Riser in sand casting. 

These are the channels or runners that connect the sprue to the pattern or mold cavity. They can by dug by hand after the mold is opened to remove the pattern or they can be part of the pattern, as with a match plate. If dug by hand, care must be used to smooth them and remove any loose sand that may wash into the mold.


A riser may look like a sprue, but it has a different function. Instead of metal being poured in, it rises from the mold cavity as the sprue is filled. It tells you when to stop pouring as well as provides molten metal to thick parts of the mold to prevent shrink cavities as it cools. 

27.Database  management system 
A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.

28.Electrochemical machining 

Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a method of removing metal by an electrochemical process. It is normally used for mass production and is used for working extremely hard materials or materials that are difficult to machine using conventional methods.[1] Its use is limited to electrically conductive materials. ECM can cut small or odd-shaped angles, intricate contours or cavities in hard and exotic metals, such as titanium aluminides, Inconel, Waspaloy, and high nickel, cobalt, and rhenium alloys.[2] Both external and internal geometries can be machined.

29.Impact extrusion 

Impact extrusion is a discrete manufacturing process, in which a metal part is extruded through the impact of a die with the work stock. The part is formed at a high speed and over a relatively short stroke. In standard metal extrusions, the force to extrude the work is commonly delivered by way of a hydraulic press. In impact extrusions, mechanical presses are most often employed. The force used to form standard extrusions is usually delivered over a horizontal vector, producing a long continuous product. Force used to form impact extrusions is usually delivered over a vertical vector, producing a single part with each impact of the punch. Impact extrusion is most often performed cold. Occasionally with some metals and thicker walled structures, the work is heated before impact forming it. This process is best suited for softer metals, aluminum is a great material for forming by impacting.

30.Open and closed die forging.

Open die forging process is also known as free forging. The piece of metal is deformed between multiple dies that do not enclose the metal entirely. The dies hammer and stamp the metal through a series of movements to alter its dimensions until the desired shape is achieved.
Closed die forging process is also referred to as impression forging. It utilizes pressure to compress the metal piece to fill an enclosed die impression. A medium frequency induction heating furnace is used to heat the metal to get the desired shapes.


31. Types of cutting tool wear  

    Carter wear: In Carter Wear wear take place on the rake surface where the chip flows over the tool
    Flank wear: In Flank wear Waer take place on the Flank surface where rubbing between the work and flanks occurs 
32. Reliability  
           In Enginerring Reliability ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified time. other words Reliability of a product is quality over a long run under a given specified conditions. Reliability improvement techniques are zero failure design derating etc...

33.Grinding wheel specification  

Grinding wheel consists of hard abrasive grains called grits, which perform the
cutting or material removal, held in the weak bonding matrix. A grinding wheel
commonly identified by the type of the abrasive material used. The conventional
wheels include aluminium oxide and silicon carbide wheels while diamond and cBN
(cubic boron nitride) wheels fall in the category of superabrasive wheel. 

A grinding wheel requires two types of specification
(a) Geometrical specification
(b) Compositional specification

(a) Geometrical specification
This is decided by the type of grinding machine and the grinding operation to be
performed in the workpiece. This specification mainly includes wheel diameter, width

and depth of rim and the bore diameter.

(b) Compositional specification

Specification of a grinding wheel ordinarily means compositional specification.
Conventional abrasive grinding wheels are specified encompassing the following
1) the type of grit material
2) the grit size
3) the bond strength of the wheel, commonly known as wheel hardness

4) the structure of the wheel denoting the porosity i.e. the amount of inter grit
5) the type of bond material
6) other than these parameters, the wheel manufacturer may add their own identification code prefixing or suffixing (or both) the standard code.


The standard marking system for conventional abrasive wheel can be as follows:
51 A 60 K 5 V 05, where
• The number ‘51’ is manufacturer’s identification number indicating exact kind
of abrasive used.
• The letter ‘A’ denotes that the type of abrasive is aluminium oxide. In case of
silicon carbide the letter ‘C’ is used.
• The number ‘60’ specifies the average grit size in inch mesh. For a very large
size grit this number may be as small as 6 where as for a very fine grit the
designated number may be as high as 600.
• The letter ‘K’ denotes the hardness of the wheel, which means the amount of
force required to pull out a single bonded abrasive grit by bond fracture. The
letter symbol can range between ‘A’ and ‘Z’, ‘A’ denoting the softest grade and
‘Z’ denoting the hardest one.
• The number ‘5’ denotes the structure or porosity of the wheel. This number
can assume any value between 1 to 20, ‘1’ indicating high porosity and ‘20’
indicating low porosity.
• The letter code ‘V’ means that the bond material used is vitrified. The codes
for other bond materials used in conventional abrasive wheels are B
(resinoid), BF (resinoid reinforced), E(shellac), O(oxychloride), R(rubber), RF
(rubber reinforced), S(silicate)
• The number ‘05’ is a wheel manufacturer’s identifier.

34. Robust design 
Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 
to perfomr consistently as temperture and other condition change.

 35. Fettling 
 Fettling is the means by which a crude casting is turned into a cost effective quality component that meets all the standards required by the customer. 
• In context with the casting process, fettling means the removal of unwanted metal, e.g. flashings, risers etc. 
• It can include processes like chipping, grinding, shot blasting etc.
36. Simulation  
A simulation of a system is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be reconfigured and experimented with; usually, this is impossible, too expensive or impractical to do in the system it represents.The operation of the model can be studied, and hence,properties concerning the behavior of the actual system or its subsystem can be inferred. In its broadest sense,simulation is a tool to evaluate the performance of a system, existing or proposed, under different configurations of interest and over long periods of real time.
37. Split pattern  
Split or two piece pattern is most widely used type of pattern for intricate castings. It is split along the parting surface, the position of which is determined by the shape of the casting. One half of the pattern is molded in drag and the other half in cope. The two halves of the pattern must be aligned properly by making use of the dowel pins, which are fitted, to the cope half of the pattern. These dowel pins match with the precisely made holes in the drag half of the pattern
38. Importance of rake angle of a cutting tool  

Rake angle is a parameter used in various cutting and machining processes, describing the angle of the cutting face relative to the work. There are three types of rake angles: positive, negative, and neutral. It is important because it determine the  strength of tool time required, etc..  

39. Wire drawing 

Wire drawing is a metalworking process used to reduce the cross-section of a wire by pulling the wire through a single, or series of, drawing die(s). There are many applications for wire drawing, including electrical wiring, cables, tension-loaded structural components, springs, paper clips, spokes for wheels, and stringed musical instruments. Drawing is usually performed at room temperature, thus classified as a cold working process, but it may be performed at elevated temperatures for large wires to reduce forces.
40. Reverse engineering 

Reverse engineering, also called back engineering, is the process by which a man-made object is deconstructed to reveal its designs, architecture, or to extract knowledge from the object; similar to scientific research, the only difference being that scientific research is about a natural phenomenon.


41. Draw Spikes 
        It is a steel rod having sharp edge at one end and a ring on another side. It is used for rapping and drawing pattern from the mould. It is a pointed steel rod, The Drar spike is threaded on the end to engage metal patterns
42. Blow Holes 
This is one of  casting defect. Blow holes are fairly large, well rounded cavity produced by the gases which displace the molten metal at the cope surface of a casting. Blow's usually occur on a convex casting surface and can be avoided by having a proper venting and an adequate permeability. A controlled content of moister and volatile constituents in the sand-mix also helps in avoiding the blow holes  
43. Gating System 
     Is the network on channels used to deliver the molten metal to the mould cavity . it is a passage thorugh which molten metal flows from the runner to the mould cavity. 
A gating system mainly consist of a 
         1. pouring basin
         2. Sprue
         3. runner
         4. Ingate
Funtion of gateing system.
          1. It should introduce molten metals into mold cavity with minimum turbulance.
          2. It must prevent slag,dross or inclusions in ladle entering to mould cavity.
          3. it must avoid aspiration of air and mould gases in metal stream.
          4. it must not cause mould or core erosion.
          5. It should create favorable temperature gradients in the casting to help directional                solidification.
         6. It should control rate of filling of mould cavity avoiding cold shuts due to slow rise                   as well as erosion due to fast rise.
44.  Direct current reverse polarity 
        In arc welding, base metals are connected with one terminal and the electrode is connected with other terminal. Under presence of sufficient potential difference, continuous flow of electrons between them through a small gap constitutes the arc (prime source of heat in arc welding). Based on the connections, DC power can provide two polarities, as provided below:.  

  • Direct Current Reverse Polarity (DCRP) or Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP)—When base metals are connected with the negative terminal of the power source and electrode is connected with the positive terminal. used for welding thin plates 
  • Direct Current Straight Polarity (DCSP) or Direct Current Electrode Negative (DCEN)—When electrode is connected with the negative terminal of the power source and base metals are connected with the positive terminal.
45. Magnetic arc blow 
             Magnetic arc blow or "arc wander" is the deflection of welding filler material within an electric arc deposit by a build up of magnetic force surrounding the weld pool. Magnatic arc blow can occur becouse of workpiece connection,joint design. 

46. Design for assembly 
       Design for assembly (DFA) is a process by which products are designed with ease of assembly in mind. If a product contains fewer parts it will take less time to assemble, thereby reducing assembly costs. In addition, if the parts are provided with features which make it easier to grasp, move, orient and insert them, this will also reduce assembly time and assembly costs. The reduction of the number of parts in an assembly has the added benefit of generally reducing the total cost of parts in the assembly. This is usually where the major cost benefits of the application of design for assembly occur. 
47. Modular Design 
Modular design, or "modularity in design", is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids, that can be independently created and then used in different systems. A modular system can be characterized by functional partitioning into discrete scalable, reusable modules; rigorous use of well-defined modular interfaces; and making use of industry standards for interfaces.        
48. Automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS)  
49. Database management systems  
      A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.
50. Up-milling 
    Up milling also called conventional milling, is the processes of removing metal by a cutter which is rotated against the direction of travel of the workpiece. The thickness of the chip in upmilling is minimum at the beginning of  the cut and it reaches to the maximum when the cut terminates. As the chip thickness per tooth is not uniform, the cutting in up milling increases from zero to the maximum value per tooth movement of the cutter

51. Reverse engineering.  
Reverse engineering, also called back engineering, is the process by which a man-made object is deconstructed to reveal its designs, architecture, or to extract knowledge from the object; similar to scientific research, the only difference being that scientific research is about a natural phenomenon.
52. Quality Function Deployment. 
Quality function deployment (QFD) is a method developed in Japan beginning in 1966 to help transform the voice of the customer into engineering characteristics for a product. Yoji Akao, the original developer, described QFD as a "method to transform qualitative user demands into quantitative parameters, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process." The author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in value engineering. 
53. Directional Solidification
  Directional solidification (DS) is types of solidification within castings. Directional solidification is solidification that occurs from farthest end of the casting and works its way towards the sprue. Another way to describe directional solidification is that the casting should  -- "cool and solidify progressively from thin sections to heavy sections with constant metal feed into the heavy sections."
54. Hot tears  
a fracture in a metal casting that occurs during solidification as a result of hindered contraction.this also known as hot cracking. This happens because the metal is weak when it is hot and the residual stresses in the material can cause the casting to fail as it cools. Proper mold design prevents this type of defect
55. Reliability  
             In Enginerring Reliability ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified time. other words Reliability of a product is quality over a long run under a given specified conditions. Reliability improvement techniques are zero failure design derating etc...
56. Shear plane in orthogonal metal cutting.  
57. Blanking  

58. Face plate.  

      A Face plate is the basic work holding accessory for a wood or metal turning lathe. It is a circular metal( usually cast iron) plate which fixes to the end of the lathe spindle. The workpiece is then clamped to the faceplate. typically using t nuts in slots in the faceplate, or less commonly threaded holes in the faceplate itself
59 AGV  
 Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGVs) is a material handling system that uses independently operated, self propelled vehicles,, guided along defined path ways. The vehicles are powered by board batteries that allow many hours operation ( 8-11 hours) between recharging. The distinguishing feature of a AVGs compared to rail guided system and most conveyor system, is that the path way are un-obstrusive . AGVS is appropriate where different material are moved from various load points to various unload points. it is used in batch production and mixed production
Types of AGVS
             1. Driver less train.
             2.Pallet trucks
             3.Unit load carriers 
  AGVS are used in 
             1.Assembly line application.
             2.Storage and distribution
             3. Flexible manufacturing system.
    mail delivery
             5.Hospital material management.  
60. Brainstorming. 
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members

61. Benefits of standardization   
  • Rationalize different varieties of products.
  • Decrease the volume of products in the store and also the manufacturer cost.
  • Improve the management and design.
  • Speed up the management of orders.
  • Facilitate the exportation and marketing of products.
  • Simplify purchasing management.

  • Establish quality and safety level to the service and products.
  • Inform to the characteristic of the products.
  • Make easier the comparison between the different offers

Public service:
  • Simplify the production of legal text.
  • Establish quality, environmental and safety policies.
  • Help to the economical development.
  • Facilitate the business. 

62. Design for assembly (DFA)  
       Design for assembly (DFA) is a process by which products are designed with ease of assembly in mind. If a product contains fewer parts it will take less time to assemble, thereby reducing assembly costs. In addition, if the parts are provided with features which make it easier to grasp, move, orient and insert them, this will also reduce assembly time and assembly costs. The reduction of the number of parts in an assembly has the added benefit of generally reducing the total cost of parts in the assembly. This is usually where the major cost benefits of the application of design for assembly occur.    

63. Difference between quality and reliability

  • Reliability deals with behavior of failure rate over a long period of operation while quality control delas with percent of defectives based on performance specification ar a certain point od time
  • Reliability delas with all periods of existance of a product with prime emphais at the design stage, while quality conatrol deals with primarly on the manufacturing stage
  • Reliability and quality control use different statistical tools to evaluate  

64. Simulation 
A simulation of a system is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be reconfigured and experimented with; usually, this is impossible, too expensive or impractical to do in the system it represents.The operation of the model can be studied, and hence,properties concerning the behavior of the actual system or its subsystem can be inferred. In its broadest sense,simulation is a tool to evaluate the performance of a system, existing or proposed, under different configurations of interest and over long periods of real time.    
65. Core print

Castings are often required to have holes, recesses, etc. of various sizes and shapes. These impressions can be obtained by using cores. So where coring is required, provision should be made to support the core inside the mold cavity. Core prints are used to serve this purpose. The core print is an added projection on the pattern and it forms a seat in the mold on which the sand core rests during pouring of the mold. The core print must be of adequate size and shape so that it can support the weight of the core during the casting operation. Depending upon the requirement a core can be placed horizontal, vertical and can be hanged inside the mold cavity.  

66. Robust design 
Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 
to perfomr consistently as temperture and other condition change  
67. Master pattern
Master pattern is the name given to a pattern having a double contraction or shrinkage allowance. The castings made from the master pattern are used by the patternmaker in making duplicate patterns that will have only a single contraction or shrinkage allowance for the particular metal required of the final casting. An allowance is made not only for the shrinkage of the metal pattern, but also, a second allowance is added for the shrinkage of the casting produced from the metal pattern. For example, a master pattern constructed for an aluminum pattern to be used in producing bronze castings has the shrinkage allowance for aluminum (5/32" per foot) plus the shrinkage allowance for bronze (3/16" per foot) or a total shrinkage allowance of 11/32" per foot. If the final casting is to be machine finished, further allowances must be made for finishing the metal pattern and final casting. The actual metal pattern is made in the foundry, the same as any other casting of similar complexity would be made.

The different types of material that can be used in the construction of master patterns are numerous. These types include wood, plaster, aluminum, brass, bronze, plexiglass, ren-shape, and more. As comparatively few castings are made from a master pattern, the cost of the materials is held to a minimum so that the pattern can be made as economically as possible. Therefore, for the general purposes of lower cost and of speed in the manufacture of a master pattern, poplar is the most logical material to use.   

68. Chaplet  

It is the practice in these cases to support the core by pieces of metal called chaplets, placed in the mould space. When metal is poured into the mould around the chaplets, they soften and become a part of the casting.

69. Functions of dielectric in EDM 

EDM dielectric fluid serves two main purposes. First, it acts as a semiconductor between the electrode and workpiece to facilitate a stable and controlled spark gap ionization condition. Second, it also acts as a flushing agent to wash and remove the eroded debris from the spark gap area.
70. Chip breakers

The function of a chip breaker is to improve chip control and to reduce cutting resistance. A better balance between the two will increase the machining performance.If chips can be broken into suitable lengths by the chip breaker, they will not wrap around the workpiece, vibration will decrease and tools will not be so easily damaged. Chip breakers also affect cutting resistance. Reduced cutting resistance can avoid chipping and fracturing of the cutting edge caused by vibration. Additionally, lower cutting resistance can decrease the load and heat, and can delay the development of tool wear.


71.  Reliability 
       In Enginerring Reliability ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified time. other words Reliability of a product is quality over a long run under a given specified conditions. Reliability improvement techniques are zero failure design derating etc...              
72.  Recyclability 
       Designing so that reusable materials and long-lived components can be recovered. with reduced the cost of the new component. recently, a trend of environmentally conscious products along with the rapid implementation of worldwide environmental legislations have put the responsibility for the end-of-life disposal of products on to the manufacturer.manufacturers must now implement rules during the design that  enforces design for recyclability. By designing the considering it manufacturer are gaining an edge over slow reacting competitors
73.  Modular design 
Modular design, or "modularity in design", is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids, that can be independently created and then used in different systems. A modular system can be characterized by functional partitioning into discrete scalable, reusable modules; rigorous use of well-defined modular interfaces; and making use of industry standards for interfaces.             
74.  Selection of machine tools              
75.  ASRS              
76.  Tool – work i8nteraction             
77.  Gang milling            
78.  Product life - cycle             
79.  Core backing               
80.  Friction welding. 


81. Various methods of heat treatment of steels 
82. Group technology 
83. Design for reliability 
84. Design for manufacturability

Design for manufacturability (also sometimes known as design for manufacturing or DFM) is the general engineering practice of designing products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture. The concept exists in almost all engineering disciplines, but the implementation differs widely depending on the manufacturing technology. DFM describes the process of designing or engineering a product in order to facilitate the manufacturing process in order to reduce its manufacturing costs. DFM will allow potential problems to be fixed in the design phase which is the least expensive place to address them. Other factors may affect the manufacturability such as the type of raw material, the form of the raw material, dimensional tolerances, and secondary processing such as finishing.

85. Various types of chip formation in a single point cutting operation? 
86. Robust design 
Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 
to perfomr consistently as temperture and other condition change
87. Thermit welding 
88. HAZ 
89. Hot and cold working of metals 
90. Data base management system 
A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.

91. Quill punches 
92. Embossing and coining 
93. Product simplification 
94. Modular design 
Modular design, or "modularity in design", is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids, that can be independently created and then used in different systems. A modular system can be characterized by functional partitioning into discrete scalable, reusable modules; rigorous use of well-defined modular interfaces; and making use of industry standards for interfaces.       
95. Customize product design 
96. String milling 
97. Projection welding 
98. Lead-through programming for robots 
99. For resistance spot welding of two 2.5mm thick aluminium plates, 5500 A current was passed for 0.2sec. Estimate heat energy required for welding. (Assume resistance = 75µ ohm). 
100.  Capacity planning. 

101. Modular design    
       Modular design, or "modularity in design", is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids, that can be independently created and then used in different systems. A modular system can be characterized by functional partitioning into discrete scalable, reusable modules; rigorous use of well-defined modular interfaces; and making use of industry standards for interfaces.               
102. Brainstorming   
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members         
103. Recyclability  
Designing so that reusable materials and long-lived components can be recovered. with reduced the cost of the new component. recently, a trend of environmentally conscious products along with the rapid implementation of worldwide environmental legislations have put the responsibility for the end-of-life disposal of products on to the manufacturer.manufacturers must now implement rules during the design that  enforces design for recyclability. By designing the considering it manufacturer are gaining an edge over slow reacting competitors
104. Flash in a forging operation            
105. Manufacturing integration            
106. Selection of a manufacturing process           
107. Reliability 
        In Enginerring Reliability ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified time. other words Reliability of a product is quality over a long run under a given specified conditions. Reliability improvement techniques are zero failure design derating etc...          
108. Economic feasibility            
109. Permanent mould casting            
110. Robust 
Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation.

111. AGVs 
 Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGVs) is a material handling system that uses independently operated, self propelled vehicles,, guided along defined path ways. The vehicles are powered by board batteries that allow many hours operation ( 8-11 hours) between recharging. The distinguishing feature of a AVGs compared to rail guided system and most conveyor system, is that the path way are un-obstrusive . AGVS is appropriate where different material are moved from various load points to various unload points. it is used in batch production and mixed production
Types of AGVS
             1. Driver less train.
             2.Pallet trucks
             3.Unit load carriers 
  AGVS are used in 
             1.Assembly line application.
             2.Storage and distribution
             3. Flexible manufacturing system.
    mail delivery
             5.Hospital material management.  
112. Significance of re-crystalline temperature. 
113. Sensors and robots 
114. Functions of cores  
115. Uses and application of Information Technology 
116. CIM 
117. Data Base Management System 
118. Differences between soldering and brazing 
119. Creative, adoptive and variant designs. 
120. Cold shut defect: causes and remedies. 
121. Design by evolution 
122. Gantry robots 
123. Sensors 
124. AS/RS 
125. Robust design 
Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 
to perfome consistently as temperature and other condition change
126. Casting 
127. Forging 
128. Brainstorming 
129. Feasibility 
130. System
A system may be defined as a group of inter-related parts or elements designed to achieve a particular goal. An Engineering system usually utilities the human effort,material, machine and finance to achieve its objectives. A manufacturing system to be a collection of integrated equipment's and human resource, whose function is to perform one or more processing or assemble operations on a starting raw material, part or set of part .  


131. Selection of machine tools. 
132. Design for manufacturability 
Design for manufacturability (also sometimes known as design for manufacturing or DFM) is the general engineering practice of designing products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture. The concept exists in almost all engineering disciplines, but the implementation differs widely depending on the manufacturing technology. DFM describes the process of designing or engineering a product in order to facilitate the manufacturing process in order to reduce its manufacturing costs. DFM will allow potential problems to be fixed in the design phase which is the least expensive place to address them. Other factors may affect the manufacturability such as the type of raw material, the form of the raw material, dimensional tolerances, and secondary processing such as finishing.
133. Database management 
A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data. 
134. AS/RS 
135. Concept of a system 
136, Design of assembly 
137. Brainstorming 
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members
138. Closed die forging 
139. Velocity of shear in metal cutting 
140. Various methods of heat treatments of steels  
141.   Group technology  
142.  Hot tears and cold shut defects in casting  
143.   HAZ  
144.    Information technology and its elements  
145.   Creative, adoptive and variant design  
146.  Various types of chip formation angle point cutting operation  
147. Extrusion and rolling operations  
148   Reliability and maintainability 
        In Enginerring Reliability ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified time. other words Reliability of a product is quality over a long run under a given specified conditions. Reliability improvement techniques are zero failure design derating etc... 
149   Robust design 
Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 
to perfomr consistently as temperture and other condition change
150.Design by evolution 
151. Problem identification 
152. Design morphology 
153. AGVs 
 Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGVs) is a material handling system that uses independently operated, self propelled vehicles,, guided along defined path ways. The vehicles are powered by board batteries that allow many hours operation ( 8-11 hours) between recharging. The distinguishing feature of a AVGs compared to rail guided system and most conveyor system, is that the path way are un-obstrusive . AGVS is appropriate where different material are moved from various load points to various unload points. it is used in batch production and mixed production
Types of AGVS
             1. Driver less train.
             2.Pallet trucks
             3.Unit load carriers 
  AGVS are used in 
             1.Assembly line application.
             2.Storage and distribution
             3. Flexible manufacturing system.
    mail delivery
             5.Hospital material management.  
154. Gantry robots 
155. Sensors 
156. Robust design 
Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 
to perfomr consistently as temperture and other condition change
157. Drawing and extrusion 
158. Casting defects 
159. Hot and cold working 
160. AGVs 
 Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGVs) is a material handling system that uses independently operated, self propelled vehicles,, guided along defined path ways. The vehicles are powered by board batteries that allow many hours operation ( 8-11 hours) between recharging. The distinguishing feature of a AVGs compared to rail guided system and most conveyor system, is that the path way are un-obstrusive . AGVS is appropriate where different material are moved from various load points to various unload points. it is used in batch production and mixed production
Types of AGVS
             1. Driver less train.
             2.Pallet trucks
             3.Unit load carriers 
  AGVS are used in 
             1.Assembly line application.
             2.Storage and distribution
             3. Flexible manufacturing system.
    mail delivery
             5.Hospital material management.  
161. Name fusion welding processes 
162. Significance of re-crystalline temperature 
163. GT layout 
164. Function of cores 
165. Function of risers 
166. Design checks 
167. Use of information technology 
168. CAPP 
169. Soldering.

170. Simulation,
A simulation of a system is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be reconfigured and experimented with; usually, this is impossible, too expensive or impractical to do in the system it represents.The operation of the model can be studied, and hence,properties concerning the behavior of the actual system or its subsystem can be inferred. In its broadest sense,simulation is a tool to evaluate the performance of a system, existing or proposed, under different configurations of interest and over long periods of real time.  
171 Drilling operation  
172.Information Technology’s role  in manufacturing  
173. Extrusion  
174 Design for use  
175. Product design specifications  
176. Brainstorming  
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.
177. Grinding processes  
178. Cutting tool-work piece interaction during machining operation. 
179. Robert  
180. Hot working  
183.Group technology  
184. Simulation 
A simulation of a system is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be reconfigured and experimented with; usually, this is impossible, too expensive or impractical to do in the system it represents.The operation of the model can be studied, and hence,properties concerning the behavior of the actual system or its subsystem can be inferred. In its broadest sense,simulation is a tool to evaluate the performance of a system, existing or proposed, under different configurations of interest and over long periods of real time. 
185. Welding      
186. CNC       
187. Heat treatment       
188. Information Technology 
(A) Fill in the blanks:                                                           1 x 10 
(i )    Grinding wheel is a------------- cutting tool.  Abrading
(ii)   The most commonly used material for single point cutting tools used on lathe is -------------  Steel
(iii) Drawing is a language of ---------------- Engineers
(iv) In gas welding, -------- and  —— are mixed. Acetyline
(v)   Quick return mechanism is used on ---------- machines. Shaper 
(vi) In hot working, metals are heated -------- the recrystallization temperature. above
(vii) -------- are used on intelligent robots. A set of high level instructions
(viii) To create replica of a system, ---------------technique is used. pattern making
(ix) Computer aided process planning is the link between  -----  and -------.CAM and CAD 
(x)   AGV is a  ------ cart. independently operated self propelled

(B) Answer the following in brief:                                             2x5 

(i) Name five   commonly   used unconventional machining processes.  
       EDM -- Electo discharge machining.
       USM--  Ultra sound machining
       ECM-- Electo Chemical  machining.
       LBM --Leasr beam machining.
       AJM --- Abrasive jet machining.
(ii)Name two   finishing   processes   which   can improve the finish of ground surfaces.
        Lapping and Honing  

(iii) Name two advanced welding techniques.  
       LBW : Leasr beam Welding.
       Plasma Arc welding
       Elactorn beam welding
(iv) Name two investment casting processes.  
       Full Mould process,
       Lost foam coasting

(v) Name two allied welding processes. 
(A) Explain the following:               
( i) Selection of Machine tools  
(ii) Controllers and sensors                                       
(iii)Primary metal forming process 
(iv)Design communication         
(v)Simulation and its application 

A simulation of a system is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be reconfigured and experimented with; usually, this is impossible, too expensive or impractical to do in the system it represents.The operation of the model can be studied, and hence,properties concerning the behavior of the actual system or its subsystem can be inferred. In its broadest sense,simulation is a tool to evaluate the performance of a system, existing or proposed, under different configurations of interest and over long periods of real time. 

(B) For each question, select the correct answer out of the alternatives provided. Write only the letter code without repeating the text of the question.               

(i) Porosity in thin sections of a casting can be minimised by:                             1                                 (a) changing progressive solidification   to directional solidification                                           ( b ) changing directional solidification to progressive solidification                
             ( c ) use of open risers               
             ( d ) providing risers with large area/Volume ratio   

(ii) Large and heavy castings are made by:                              1                          

           ( a ) green sand moulding 
           ( c ) pressure moulding                           
           ( b ) dry sand moulding 
           ( d ) machine moulding            

(iii) Blanking and Piercing operation can be performed simultaneously on:                     1                           (a) simple die 
                   ( c ) compound die                           
                   (b) progressive die 
                  ( d ) combination die             

(iv) The tolerence produced by investment casting process are of the order                 1                      
            (a) +/- 0 . 5 mm        (c) +/- 1 mm          (b) +/- 0 .0 5 mm     (d) +/- 5 mm             

(v) Centering on lathe can be done most accurately on:  
          (a) four jaw chuck ( c ) collet chuck     (b) three jaw chuck ( d ) magnetic chuck              

(vi) The usual ratio of Forward and return stroke of shaper is: 
         (a ) 2 : 1 ( c ) 2 : 3  ( b ) 1 : 2 ( d ) 3 : 2              

(vii) In grinding operation, grinding harder material:                            1                         

           (a ) softer grade is used 
            (b) high grade is used 
            ( c ) medium grade is used 
           ( d ) any grade may be used            

( viii) Variant type computer aided process planning is most useful when:  
           (a)  large number of part families are involved                           
           (b) small number of part families with short product life cycle are involved                  
           (c ) small number of part families with fairly stable product life cycle are involved                   (d ) very complex parts are involved              

(ix) Dielectric fluid is must in :  

           ( a ) EDM Process 
           ( c ) ultrasonic machining                         
           ( b ) ECM Process 
           ( d ) laser machining            

(x) Which of the following welding processes uses non - consumable electrode?                                     ( a ) Laser welding 
                 ( c ) TIG welding                        
                 ( b ) MIG welding 
                 ( d ) plasma welding 
(i) Economic feasibility and utility               
(ii) Permanent Mould Casting              
(iii) Tool- work interaction 
(iv) System concept  

A system may be defined as a group of inter-related parts or elements designed to achieve a particular goal. An Engineering system usually utilities the human effort,material, machine and finance to achieve its objectives. A manufacturing system to be a collection of integrated equipment's and human resource, whose function is to perform one or more processing or assemble operations on a starting raw material, part or set of part .  
(v) Robots 
      "A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks."               
(vi) Recyclability
Designing so that reusable materials and long-lived components can be recovered. with reduced the cost of the new component. recently, a trend of environmentally conscious products along with the rapid implementation of worldwide environmental legislations have put the responsibility for the end-of-life disposal of products on to the manufacturer.manufacturers must now implement rules during the design that  enforces design for recyclability. By designing the considering it manufacturer are gaining an edge over slow reacting competitors

 (B) Select the correct answer out of the alternative choices Of the following:                (1x8)         i) Cores are used to                           
                 a) make desired recess in castings                         
                 b) strengthen moulding sand                         
                 c) support loose pieces 
                 d) remove pattern easily        

ii) Shell moulding process requires                      
                 a) wooden patterns 
                 b) sand patterns                      
                 c) plastic patterns 
                 d) metal patterns          

iii) In arc welding, eyes need to be protected against                            
                 a) intense glare                          
                 b) infra-red rays only 
                 c) ultraviolet rays only                           
                 d) both infra-red and ultraviolet rays           

iv) The gases used in tungsten inert gas welding are                         
                a) hydrogen and oxygen 
                b) argon and helium                         
                c) argon and neon 
               d) helium and neon.          

 v) Laser is produced by                      
               a) graphite 
               b) emerald                      
               c) ruby 
               d) diamond.         

vi) Production of contours in flat blanks is termed as                     
              a) blanking 
              b) piercing                     
              c) perforating 
              d) punching.           

vii) For ferrous materials, the helix angle of drill is taken as                        
              a) 30°              b) 45°                        c) 60°              d) 90°.          

 viii) The front rake required to machine brass by HSS tool is                           

             a) 15°               b) 10°                             c) 5°                 d) 0°. 

Write the most correct answer:                                                                                       1×6 

(i) In which of the following process, the electrode is non-consumable"?       
         (a) Gas welding      
         (b) Arc welding       
         (c) TIG welding      
         (d) Thermit welding     

(ii) The highest cutting speed is used in       
          (a) Centreless grinding       
          (b) Surface grinding       
          (c) Cylindrical grinding       
          (d) Internal grinding   

(iii) In the metal forming processes, the stresses induced in the material are       
         (a) less than the yield strength of the material.       
         (b) greater than the ultimate strength of the material.                   
         (c) less than the fracture strength of the material.                   
         (d) less than the limit of proportionality. 

 (iv) In which process the material is pulled through a die?        
           (a) Extrusion process       
           (b) Rolling process       
           (c) Wire drawing process       
           (d) Forging process    

(v) Group technology brings together and organises     
           (a) parts and simulation analysis.     
           (b) automation and tool production.      
           (c) common parts, problems and tasks     
           (d) None of the above,  

(vi)  Point angle of a twist drill used for drilling hole in mild steel is              

         (a) 118             (b)  90             (c)   180             (d) 0

Answer the following     2x7   
(i) How are electrodes specified?                                                      
(ii) Define the term deep drawabilily. 
(iii) What is bath Tub Curve?          
(iv)   What is parting line'?           
(v)  What is the significance of recrystallisation temperature in metal forming'?    
(vi)   What is manufacturing logic?          
(vii) What do you understand by intelligent robots? 
 (A) Explain the following in brief:                                                                                  2x6                  (i) Brainstorming 
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members   
            (ii) Forging       
            (iii) Design for assembly  
            (iv) Robust design 

Robust product design is a concept from the teachings of Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese quality guru. It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the causes of the variation. robust Design consider the performance of product once it longed in the market 

A system ( product or process) is robust if it performs properly in a wide range of conditions.
In the design of a new product, any design activity can be called robust, if it leads the product.
To have longer life ( higher reliability)
To be more consistent with use
to be more consistent from product to product 
to perfomr consistently as temperture and other condition change
            ( v) Design for shipping          
            ( vi) Safety in design.    

(B)  Select the correct answers out of the alternative choices of the following:                  1x8       
(i) Steel and cast iron pipes are casted by 
        (a) die casting 
        (b) continuous casting  
        (c) centrifugal casting 
        (d) investment casting  
(ii) Facing sand used in foundry work comprises 

        (a) alumina, silica and clay 
        (b) silica and clay     
        (c) clay and alumina 
        (d) silica and alumina 

(iii) The criteria for selection of electrode diameter in arc welding is 

          (a) type of welding process    
          (b) thickness of the components to be welded 
          (c) voltage used 
          (d) current used 

(iv) In arc welding, arc is created between electrode and work by    
             (a) flow of current 
             (b) voltage 
             (c) contact resistance 
             (d) electrical resistance 
(v) Hot  working  improves  the mechanical properties of the metal due to 

             (a) recovery of grains   
             (b) recrystallisation 
             (c) grain growth 
             (d) refinement of grain size 

(vi) In four high rolling mill the bigger rollers are called 
             (a) guide rolls 
             (b) back up rolls 
             (c) main rolls 
             (d) support rolls 

(vii) In drawing operation, the metal flows due to         
             (a) ductility 
             (b) work hardening 
             (c) plasticity 
             (d) shearing             

(viii) Centering can be done most accurately on                    
             (a) four jaw chuck 
             (b)  three jaw chuck 
             (c) collet chuck 
             (d) magnetic chuck. 
(i) Which one of the following is not a function of a riser?          
        ( a) to help the flow of metal towards the mould cavity          
        ( b) to provide escape to hot gases          
        ( c) to feed the metal to the casting as it shrinks during solidification          
        (d)  to help streamline the flow of metal into runner         

(ii) The required cutting speed in meter/min in machining a workpiece with a diameter of 100 mm and a speed of 500 rpm will be               
     ( a) 628 
     ( b) 262
     (c) 157               
     (d) 37.7     

(iii) Quick return mechanism is used in                
        ( a) slotter                
        ( b) broach                
        ( c) milling                
        (d) lathe 

( iv) The collapsible tooth-paste tubes are -produced by                
        ( a) impact extrusion                
        ( b) direct extrusion                
        ( c) indirect extrusion                
        ( d) tube extrusion  

( v) Aluminium oxide abrasive is used for grinding               
      ( a) gray cast iron               
      ( b) high speed steels                
      ( c) cemented carbides              . 
      (d) ceramic materials 

(vi) Which of 'the following materials is used as the electric fluid in electro-discharge machining?          
       ( a) Kerosene          
       ( b) NaCI          
       ( c) NaOH          
       ( d) NaN03 

(vii) Wax pattern is used in           

           ( a) die casting           
           ( b) shell moulding           
           ( c) investment casting           
           ( d) plaster moulds 

( viii) The material   used for coating the electrode is called            
            ( a) flux            
            ( b) slag            
            ( c) deoxidiser            
            ( d) binder 
 ( ix) Casting is a preferred process for parts having          
            ( a) a few details           
            ( b) many details          
            ( c) non-symmetrical shape          
            ( d) none of the above    
( x) Size of shaper is specified by                 
            ( a) size of table                 
            ( b) h.p. of motor                 
            (c) ratio of forward to return stroke                 
            (d) length of stroke    

(xi) A standard ground drill has a point angle of                 
        ( a) 90°                 
        ( b) 100°                 
        (c)  118°                 
        (d)   120°  

(xii) When the grains of a grinding wheel become dull, then it must be                  

           ( a) replaced                  
           (b) trued                  
           ( c) dressed  
           (d) treated     

(B) Write briefly about the following, giving an example wherever applicable:     2x 4                                                
( i)    Design for recyclability         

        Designing so that reusable materials and long-lived components can be recovered. with reduced the cost of the new component. recently, a trend of environmentally conscious products along with the rapid implementation of worldwide environmental legislations have put the responsibility for the end-of-life disposal of products on to the manufacturer.manufacturers must now implement rules during the design that  enforces design for recyclability. By designing the considering it manufacturer are gaining an edge over slow reacting competitors

( jj)   Ergonomics
         Ergonomics  may be defined as a science which deals with the systematic study of the relationship and interaction between man,machine and environment. 

The following points are among the purpose/goals of ergonomics:

  • Occupational injury and illness reduction
  • Workers' compensation costs containment
  • Productivity improvement
  • Work quality improvement
  • Absenteeism reduction
  • Government regulation compliance
  • The methods by which these goals are obtained involve:

Evaluation and control of work site risk factors
  • Identification and quantification of existing work site risk conditions
  • Recommendation of engineering and administrative controls to reduce the identified risk conditions
  • Education of management and workers to risk conditions

 (jji) Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) 
         Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGVs) is a material handling system that uses independently operated, self propelled vehicles,, guided along defined path ways. The vehicles are powered by board batteries that allow many hours operation ( 8-11 hours) between recharging. The distinguishing feature of a AVGs compared to rail guided system and most conveyor system, is that the path way are un-obstrusive . AGVS is appropriate where different material are moved from various load points to various unload points. it is used in batch production and mixed production
Types of AGVS
             1. Driver less train.
             2.Pallet trucks
             3.Unit load carriers 
  AGVS are used in 
             1.Assembly line application.
             2.Storage and distribution
             3. Flexible manufacturing system.
    mail delivery
             5.Hospital material management.  
 ( iv) System concept.  

           A system may be defined as a group of inter-related parts or elements designed to achieve a particular goal. An Engineering system usually utilities the human effort,material, machine and finance to achieve its objectives. A manufacturing system to be a collection of integrated equipment's and human resource, whose function is to perform one or more processing or assemble operations on a starting raw material, part or set of part .