Friday 18 March 2011


Early man as a designer:
Man started adapting the natural resources around him to suit his purpose for food, he killed animals with the help of stones then he chipped to make them sharp to hit better , he made clubs and extended his arms to get better leverage . A stone thrown at larger speeds was deadlier, he made bow-gun , then bow and arrow. Later, he discovered that some of seeds he was eating could be grown and growth was better if earth was dug before sowing of seeds He designed the plough ploughing the fields was hard work, so he modified the plough that fields was hard work, so he modified the plough that could be pulled by domesticated animals. he discovered the idea of a wheel and made a cart and petter's wheels. in fact, history of evolution of human society, and good life that we enjoy today is nothing but story of man designing new tools and michenies which in broadly termed as process of design

Thursday 17 March 2011


What is design ?
definition : Design is a process concerned with generating ideas and suggesting ways to turn ideas into reality to satisfy some needs optionally under the relevant constraints
---design is to innovate and to create
"Scientsts study the world as it is,engneers create the world that never has been" Th.von Karman

While a scientific inquiry begins from a curiosity, a design process starts from a need

The process of design

Design activity as defined above can be seen as process of building a bridge across the divide between the available resources available on one side, and the needs, desires, and aspirations of mankind on the other.
What makes the design process particularly difficult is in fact that designing is like finding one's way in a jungle without map.
-->a successful design a fair amount of luck in hitting at the right combination and a stroke of genius which saw just what should be done, but there also is involved an organisation of effort .
hence design process consists of a whole set of activities -problem defining .generating alternatives ,evaluation of alternatives ,detailing and testing

The purpose of Design
to design a product functionality is important which has 4 parts (need,use,method and

Need=>Satisfaction of the need is the most essential function of design
use=> A well designed product is one that can be used bypeople more comfortably, more safely and more efficiently
It refers to materials, tool and processes used for the execution of the design

Which is mainly concerned with what looks right from a functional point of view
and observation of nature,balance ,symmetry,unity,rhythm, and form are words frequently used in evaluating any work aesthetically